Women’s Ministries
Harmony Squares
Quilting/Sewing Group - Leader: Mrs. Wanda Pinsent
Harmony Squares meet weekly where there is a devotion in the midst of working on both individual sewing projects as well as special projects (ie. Quilts for fire victims, quilts for Daffodil House).
Home League
Leader: Mrs. Brenda Legge
Assisted by Mrs. Marjorie Pollett
Our Home League ladies meet on a weekly basis where there are various program topics led on by those willing to share, outings (ie. Bowling, restaurants, invitations by other ladies groups), spiritual evenings. Opportunities are also given to attend special rallies (services), camp. Our ladies try to effectively mirror compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience to the hurting world around us. Psalm 90:17, ‘May the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us.’